#!/usr/bin/perl require "daddons.cgi"; require "justme.pl"; #require "config.cgi"; # if you have a separate config file ######################################################### # EveryAuction Boards v.99 BETA # # 10/28/99 # # For installation, contact eainstall@entea.com # # # # Unauthorized redistribution is prohibited # # The latest version of this addon can be found at: # # http://www.entea.com/auction/addons/ # ######################################################### ############################################## # Configuration Variables $eabaddons = 1; # Defualt is 1 if dadons.cgi and justme.cgi are installed, set to 0 if not $eabauctionname = "TRANSPORT UNIVERSE"; # Your Sites Name $eabname = "T U FORUM"; # Message Board Name $eababspath = '/u1/www/transportuniverse'; # The ABSOLUTE PATH to the "root" Directory, NOT the cgi dir $eabhome = "http://www.transportuniverse.com"; # Path (URL) Back to Auction Home Page $eabauctioncgipath = "http://www.transportuniverse.com/cgi-transportuniverse/auction.cgi"; # Path (URL) to Main Auction Script $eabregurl = "http://www.transportuniverse.com/cgi-transportuniverse/l-reg.cgi?1&1&u"; $eabuseridurl = "http://www.transportuniverse.com/cgi-transportuniverse/n.cgi?1&1&u"; $eabpassurl = "http://www.transportuniverse.com/cgi-transportuniverse/auction.cgi?1&1&u"; $eabtc1 = "#E8E8FF"; # Primary Table Color $eabtc2 = "#efefef"; # Secondary Table Color $eabtb = "0"; # Table Border Size - 0 = none, etc $eabfc1 = ""; # Defualt Font Color - Leave Blank if defined in header $eabf = "arial,helvetica"; # Defualt Font $eabfs1 = "1"; # Font Size 1 $eabfs2 = "2"; # Font Size 2 $eabfs3 = "3"; # Font Size 3 $eabfs4 = "4"; # Font Size 4 $eabfs5 = "5"; # Font Size 5 $eabmax = 50; # Maximum Number of Messages to Display $eabmaxsize = 200; # Maximum messages per EABoard $eabtimezone = "ET"; # Your Server's Time Zone - ET, CT, PT, ect $eabflock = 1; # Defualt is 1 to lock file, set to 0 to disable if problem ############################################## ######## Create eab DIR and dat file ######### umask(000); # UNIX file permission junk mkdir("$eababspath/eab", 0777) unless (-d "$eababspath/eab"); if (!(-f "$eababspath/eab/cafe.dat")) { open EABNEWFILE, ">$eababspath/eab/cafe.dat"; &filelock if ($eabflock); close EABNEWFILE; chmod 0777, "$eababspath/eab/cafe.dat"; } ############################################## ############################################## # Main Program # You do not need to edit anything below this # line. ############################################## # Print The Page Header # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print <<"EOF"; Transport Universe - Transportation Auction and Car Auctions
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EOF ; # ############################################## ############################################## # parse form data &get_form_data; # parse arguments from post @ARGV = split(/\\*\&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); $ARGV[0] =~ s/\W//g; #$ARGV[1] =~ s/\D//g; if ($form{'action'} eq 'ViewBoard') { &eabmain;} elsif ($form{'action'} eq 'AddToBoard') { &eabaddmessage; &eabmain;} ############### Feeder Add on ############### elsif ($form{'action'} eq 'feederadd') { &feederadd; } elsif ($form{'action'} eq 'feedersearch') { &feedersearch; } elsif ($ARGV[2] eq 'f') { &feeder; } elsif ($ARGV[2] eq 'fs') { &feedersearch; } ################# End Add on ################ ###### View Other Sellers Auction addon ##### elsif ($ARGV[2] eq 's') { &procsearch; } ################# End Add on ################ ############### JustMe Add on ############### elsif ($form{'action'} eq 'justmedone') { &justmesave; } elsif ($form{'action'} eq 'justedit') { &justmeedit; } elsif ($form{'action'} eq 'justmepre') { &justmepre; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'justedit') { &justmelogon; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'justme') { &justmecreate; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq 'justdisp') { &disppage; } ################# End Add on ################ else { &eabmain; } ############################################## # Print The Page Footer # print <<"EOF";
Copyright © 1999/2000 Transport Universe Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the TRANSPORT UNIVERSE User Agreement

EOF ; ############################################## # Sub: Oops! # This generates an error message and dies. sub oops { print "
Something is wrong with the $_[0] field. Hit the BACK button in your browser to try again!\n"; die "Something is wrong with the $_[0] field. Hit back to try again!\n"; exit; } ############################################## ############################################## # Sub: Get Form Data # This gets data from a post. sub get_form_data { $buffer = ""; read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); @pairs=split(/&/,$buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { @a = split(/=/,$pair); $name=$a[0]; $value=$a[1]; $value =~ s/\+/ /g; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $value =~ s/~!/ ~!/g; $value =~ s/[\n\r]/ /sg; #remove \n $value =~ s/\[\]//g; #remove [] push (@data,$name); push (@data, $value); } %form=@data; %form; } ############################################## ############################################## # Sub: File Lock # This locks files when bidding takes place sub filelock { flock (NEWITEM, 2); seek(NEWITEM, 0, 2); } ############################################## ############################################## # Sub: Main Message Page sub eabmain { print <<"EOF";

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EOF open EABFILE, "$eababspath/eab/cafe.dat"; (@eabjunk) = ; close EABFILE; if ($eabjunk[$#eabjunk] eq "") { print "
No Messages in this Forum
Be the first,
add your message now.
\n"; } else { $eabii = 0; $eabiii = 0; foreach $eabpost (reverse(@eabjunk)) { $eabiii++; @eabmessage = split(/\[\]/,$eabpost); #if ($eabaddons = 1) { # Add-on: Feeder #$eabuserfeed = &feeder($eabmessage[0],2); # Add-on: JustMe #if (-f "$basepath$pagedir/$eabmessage[0].page") { #$eabuserfeed = ($eabuserfeed . "" . $justmeicon . ""); } #} #else { $eabuserfeed = $eabmessage[0]; } $eabuserfeed = $eabmessage[0]; @eabtime = localtime($eabmessage[1]); $eabtime[4]++; $eabtime[2] = ("0" . $eabtime[2]) if ($eabtime[2] < 10); $eabtime[1] = ("0" . $eabtime[1]) if ($eabtime[1] < 10); $eabtime[0] = ("0" . $eabtime[0]) if ($eabtime[0] < 10); $eabmessage = $eabmessage[2]; $eabdisplimit = time - ($form{'EABLIMIT'} * 60); if (($eabmessage[1] > $eabdisplimit) || ($form{'EABLIMIT'} eq "default") || ($form{'EABLIMIT'} eq "")) { if ($eabii < $eabmax) { print <<"EOF";
Posted by $eabuserfeed on $eabtime[4]/$eabtime[3]/$eabtime[5] at $eabtime[2]:$eabtime[1]:$eabtime[0] $eabtimezone
EOF $eabii++;} } } } if ($eabiii > $eabmaxsize) { &eabprune($form{'NAME'},1); } } ############################################## ############################################## # Sub: Add Message sub eabaddmessage { $form{'EABALIAS'} =~ s/\W//g; $form{'EABALIAS'} = lc($form{'EABALIAS'}); $form{'EABALIAS'} = ucfirst($form{'EABALIAS'}); &oops('EABALIAS') unless (open(EABREGFILE, "/u1/www/transportuniverse/auction/reg/$form{'EABALIAS'}.dat")); ($eabpassword, $eabemail, $eabadd1, $eabadd2, $eabadd3, $eabadd4, @eabuserbids) = ; close EABREGFILE; chomp($eabpassword, $eabemail, $eabadd1, $eabadd2, $eabadd3, $eabadd4, @eabuserbids); &oops('EABPASSWORD') unless ((lc $eabpassword) eq (lc $form{'EABPASSWORD'})); &oops('EABALIAS') unless ($form{'EABALIAS'}); &oops('EABINFO') unless ($form{'EABINFO'}); if(lc($form{'EABINFO'}) =~ /\