#!/usr/bin/perl require 'supervars.pl'; ############################################## # Print The Page Header # print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print <<"EOF"; Transport Universe - Transportation Auction and Car Auctions
Search Transport Universe    
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Our Exclusive Condition Report is like having every expert you ever needed at your fingertips.

Millions of page views every month!

 Over 1800 Transportation Categories.

EOF ; #################################### &get_form_data; # parse arguments from post @ARGV = split(/\\*\&/, $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); $ARGV[0] =~ s/\W//g; if ($form{'searchstring'}) { &procsearch; } else { &viewclosed; } #################################### ############################################## # Print The Page Footer # print <<"EOF";

Copyright © 1999/2000 Transport Universe Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the TRANSPORT UNIVERSE User Agreement

EOF ; ############################################## # Sub: Closed items # This displays closed items # This is not the Closed Items any longer this # is now the actual operating search page # created 8-24-99 sub viewclosed { print<<"EOF";




These are only a few of the of the possible results a keyword search can return.
Search the Auction site for vehicles or items you are interested in.Follow some of the suggestions below to learn how to put this multi-level search engine to work for you and return precise result
The item number number button..... ADD ENGINEER OR CONDITION REPORT Once an item has been listed this is the single most useful tool to finding that item so that you can add your ENGINEER OR CONDITION REPORT

This SEARCH ENGINE is a very powerful multi-level tool which can be used across several areas of interest and in many different ways to find what you are looking for.
For Example: The Keyword button will find words in titles, descriptions, locations, make, model, year...almost any key word you can think of that may be used to describe the vehicle or item and return all results for that keyword.
In order to get the fastest result to your search query enter a short string of possible logical matches.
For Example:
Rather than typing in just Corvette or vette try typing : (year eg.1959) Corvette...or Corvette blue
This will narrow your search and give you a more precise result.The trick is to be as specific as possible.
By narrowing Your Search with precise detailed questions you will get the fastest response because the search query will return the fewest possible satisfactory matches.

A) Can't seem to be able to find what you are looking for?
Think of different words to use. If you Imagine yourself as the seller of the item. What key word would you use to list it? Be specific to narrow your search. Use specific words instead of general ones. For example, a search for "1959 Corvette" will return fewer and more precise results than just Corvette.
B)Use punctuation only when required:
Try leaving out puncuation marks and then try search both with and without them.
C) Use exact phrases whenever possible:
Using an exact phrase in quotation marks, such as "jet engine" or "leather interior" will return results with those exact words in sequence. Special note: the following modifiers will not work with this type of search: (+), (-) or wild card (*).
D)Try plus (+) and minus signs (-) to broaden or narrow your search
If you enter car+hemi, that tells the search engine to include the words car+hemi. If you enter car-hemi, that tells the search engine to include the word car but not the word hemi.
Always type the words and the (+) or (-) signs together without spaces (e.g. car+hemi, car-hemi). E) Use a wildcard for multiple endings By typing an (* )(asterisk symbol) at the end of a word, you can search for items with multiple endings.

EOF } ############################################## # Sub: Process Search sub procsearch { print "

Search Results - $form{'searchstring'}

"; print "\n"; print "\n"; foreach $key (sort keys %category) { opendir THEDIR, "$basepath$key" || die "Unable to open directory: $!"; @allfiles = readdir THEDIR; closedir THEDIR; foreach $file (sort { int($a) <=> int($b) } @allfiles) { if (-T "$basepath$key/$file") { open THEFILE, "$basepath$key/$file"; ($title, $reserve, $inc, $desc, $loca, $cont, $image, $image2, $image3, $image4, $cat1, $cat2, $cat3, $cat4, @bids) = ; close THEFILE; chomp($title, $reserve, $inc, $desc, $loca, $cont, $image, $image2, $image3, $image4, $cat1, $cat2, $cat3, $cat4, @bids); @lastbid = split(/\[\]/,$bids[$#bids]); $file =~ s/\.dat//; @closetime = localtime($file); $closetime[4]++; if($form{'searchtype'} eq 'keyword') { print "\n" if (($title =~ /$form{'searchstring'}/i) || ($desc =~ /$form{'searchstring'}/i)); } elsif($form{'searchtype'} eq 'itemnumber') { print "\n" if (($file =~ /$form{'searchstring'}/i)); } elsif($form{'searchtype'} eq 'username') { $flag=0; foreach $bid(@bids) { if (($bid =~ /$form{'searchstring'}/i) && ($flag==0)) { print "\n"; $flag=1; } } } } } } print "
Item Ad Expires Location Price
$title $newicon$hoticon $closetime[4]/$closetime[3] $loca \$$lastbid[2]
$title $newicon$hoticon$closetime[4]/$closetime[3]$loca\$$lastbid[2]
$title $newicon$hoticon$closetime[4]/$closetime[3]$loca\$$lastbid[2]
\n"; } ############################################## # Sub: Get Form Data sub get_form_data { $buffer = ""; read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); @pairs=split(/&/,$buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { @a = split(/=/,$pair); $name=$a[0]; $value=$a[1]; $value =~ s/\+/ /g; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $value =~ s/~!/ ~!/g; $value =~ s/[\n\r]/ /sg; #remove \n $value =~ s/\[\]//g; #remove [] push (@data,$name); push (@data, $value); } %form=@data; %form; }